Thursday, September 3, 2020

Ethics in Public Administration Essay

The national bicentennial in 1976 stamped two significant birthday events for open organization. It was the ninetieth commemoration of the presence of the main completely created exposition on what was viewed as a â€Å"new† or possibly an independently distinguished field †open organization. In that article, the youthful political researcher Woodrow Wilson (1941) composed the now well known words, â€Å"administration lies outside the best possible circle of governmental issues. Authoritative inquiries are not political inquiries; despite the fact that governmental issues sets the assignments for organization, it ought not be endured to control its workplaces. â€Å" Furthermore, it was actually a long time since the distribution of Leonard White (1926) text, Introduction to the Study of Public Administration, the first in the field. White’s book was, for his time, a progressed and modern endeavor to wed the study of government and the study of organization. While Wilson had contended that open organization is â€Å"a field of business† and ought to be discrete from â€Å"politics,† White forty years after the fact countered that open organization can be successful just in the event that it comprises an incorporation of the hypothesis of government and the hypothesis of organization. As fields or callings go, open organization is youthful. Its initial catalyst was a lot of associated with common assistance change, the city chief development, the â€Å"good government† development, and the professionalization of the regulatory mechanical assembly of government. It was in this period that â€Å"principles of administration† were created and the principal scholarly projects in the field were built up at American colleges. This was an overwhelming period, during which the United States common assistance was created, an advancement received in numerous American states and districts. Formal frameworks of planning and buying were embraced, and different parts of the study of the executives were applied to government issues. Huge numbers of the early pioneers in this change development likewise assumed out significant political jobs, most eminently Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Open organization was new, a reaction to a quickly evolving government. The second â€Å"era† in open organization could be said to have started with the Depression and the New Deal, trailed by World War II. This time was portrayed by the strikingly quick development of the legislature, especially at the national level, the improvement of significant American social projects, and eventually the advancement of an enormous barrier program. As of now it became obvious that an enormous and brought together government can achieve gallant errands. Examples were being created and perspectives confined for the direct of American government and the acts of open organization for the coming twenty years. This time additionally created the vast majority of the significant American researchers in open organization who were to overwhelm the scene from the 1940s into the 1970s. The period that followed was described by quick development in the open assistance and by broad suburbanization and urbanization. In any case, it was additionally a time of extraordinary addressing of the reasons and premises of open organization. An expansive assortment of social projects and administrations were created, a virus war machine was kept up, and the open help proceeded with both to develop and to professionalize. It appeared as though such extension could go on perpetually. However, by the mid-1960s a few emergencies were growing at the same time. From multiple points of view, these emergencies appeared to some extent to result from the abundances of a prior time. In different manners, they were by all accounts an outflow of old and unanswered issues incorporated with our general public and our arrangement of government. The urban emergency came about because of tenacious suburbanization †legislatively bolstered. The racial emergency is firmly associated, bringing about part from the genuine ghettoization of American minorities in the focal segments of our extraordinary urban communities. As the focal urban communities have crumbled, so have their open administrations. We keep on having unsuitable degrees of joblessness, particularly among minorities. What's more, our government assistance framework is gravely over-burden. The fast exhaustion of our fuel assets brings about a vitality emergency, which comes hard behind the ecological emergency. Furthermore, obviously, there is medicinal services, transportation, without any end in sight. These emergencies have influenced open organization. Three specific occasions or exercises happened between the mid-1960s and 1970s that permanently denoted the general public and the legislature and, thus, open organization: the war in Vietnam, the urban uproars and proceeded with racial hardship, and Watergate. These emergencies and occasions brought about new government programs and changed perspectives about and rehearsing open organization. Frederick C. Mosher and John C. Nectar contemplated the attributes and organization of the open help in the mid-1960s. 3 Their fundamental finding was that most local officials feel practically zero personality with the field of open organization. Few have ever had a course less despite everything hold a degree in the subject. Open organization at the time appeared to have a somewhat thin meaning of its motivations, fixating basically on planning, work force, and association and the executives issues. Most local officials, it was found, relate to a few or another expert field, for example, instruction, network arranging, law, general wellbeing, or designing. Indeed, even a large number of the individuals who might be required to relate to open organization are all the more especially intrigued by some subset of the field, for example, fund, work force, strategy investigation, and such. There was next to no approach accentuation in open organization †almost no conversation of resistance strategy, natural arrangement, monetary arrangement, urban strategy. There was, at that point, much discuss open organization as everyone’s â€Å"second calling. † Education for open organization in the mid-1960s scarcely shone. The early disturbance of the reformers had passed on. The American Society for Public Administration was starting to battle. By the late 1970s, open organization had changed, both in its training and its instructing. There are numerous pointers: the Intergovernmental Personnel Act; Title IX of the Higher Education Act; the Federal Executive Institute and the Federal Executive Seminars; the wonderful development and life of instruction for open help; the President’s Management Intern Program; the Harry S. Truman Foundation; the size and nature of ASPA; the advancement of the Consortium on Education for the Public Service; a few HUD awards to open organization related exercises; an a lot heavier strategy accentuation; a reestablished worry for morals and ethical quality in taxpayer driven organization; and the proceeded with professionalization of the open assistance combined with refinement of the executives techniques at all degrees of government. To append the name â€Å"new† to anything is unsafe business. The hazard is multiplied when originality is credited to thoughts, considerations, ideas, ideal models, speculations. The individuals who guarantee new deduction will in general see past idea as old or jejune or both. Accordingly, the creators of past idea are protective and slanted to propose that beside having bundled before intuition in another jargon there is little that is extremely new in supposed new reasoning. Acknowledge, subsequently, this admonition: Parts of new open organization would be perceived by Plato, Hobbes, Machiavelli, Hamilton, and Jefferson just as by numerous advanced conduct scholars. The freshness is standing out the texture is woven, not really in the strings that are utilized. Furthermore, the freshness is in contentions with respect to the best possible utilization of the texture †anyway ragged. The strings of the open organization texture are notable. Herbert Kaufman portrays them just as the quest for these fundamental qualities: representativeness, politically impartial fitness, and official authority (Kaufman, 1969). In various occasions, either of these qualities gets the best accentuation. Representativeness was superior in the Jacksonian period. The inevitable response was the change development underlining unbiased skill and official initiative. Presently we are seeing a rebel against these qualities joined by a quest for new methods of representativeness. Others have contended that adjustments in open organization look like a lose-lose situation between authoritative effectiveness and political responsiveness. Any expansion in proficiency results from the earlier in a lessening in responsiveness. We are essentially entering a period during which political responsiveness is to be bought at an expense in authoritative effectiveness. Obviously, the most intriguing advancements with regards to current open organization are not exact but rather are philosophical, standardizing, and theoretical. In open organization, the expression â€Å"social equity† has risen as a shorthand method of alluding to the worries and assessments of the individuals who are testing contemporary hypothesis and practice. So far, the expression social value, be that as it may, has little substance or exactness. The issue of value is as old as government. Dwight Waldo (1972) calls attention to that â€Å"much administrative activity in the United States has not been just oppressive however enormously and cruelly so. Much legislative activity has additionally, be that as it may, been coordinated toward accomplishing correspondence; incomprehensibly, activity to guarantee absorption and consistency likewise has once in a while been coldhearted and coercive. â€Å"Equality,† he finishes up, â€Å"is key to the comprehension of much later and contemporary open organization. † It has been genuinely proposed that social value be a standard by which open heads, both in the department and the institute, survey and assess their conduct and choices. Social value, at that point, would be a model for adequacy in open organization similarly tha

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Jonurl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jonurl - Essay Example In my FIRO-B scale, certain outcomes were clear while experiencing the basic assessment. My incorporation requests were evaluated at 6 which is a moderate outcome in correlation with others. The impact of such an outcome is the perfect level. In different regions, for example, control, I came out with a 8 evaluation. This is generally normal for an autonomous individual with high characteristics to lead a gathering. Warmth levels were evaluated perfect at 5. The impact these had is that I was assigned to lead the gathering for having solid control. My demeanor attributes was OWL that implies savvy, educated, formed, sees everything, sees things before others see them and outputs from high roost, plunges down with exactness. I am extraordinary in dynamic particularly in troublesome circumstances and furthermore have sufficient information on general issues. I have helped the gathering completely in settling on monetary choices and furthermore certain entomb bunch difficulties. I have a Phlegmatic withdrawn disposition. This makes me a decent chairman of the gathering, I get the chance to be attentive to the circumstance and responses of other gathering individuals from the gathering. On the Jessica Baby story, I was quick to see some solid response just as from the gathering individuals. The story was motivating to numerous individuals acclaimed and notorious in the public eye and has head generally comparable effect on a ton of lives in numerous individuals. The circumstance was extremely thoughtful and fills one with regret and sympathy. It was hard for some to conceal their sympathy in the gathering. Nonetheless, individuals demonstrated theirs in various ways. Some would go to almost crying while some would show their desire by having just as they were impact of the experience. Gathering individuals demonstrated warmth in various manners. Certain MBTI models can consummate one’s execution and individuals need various inspirations for their issue s, as the hotshot who considered the to be as an inspiration to stop drugs. Eschers Relativity picture has been utilized

Friday, August 21, 2020


It's a given that leaving your home to concentrate in an outside nation can be frightening stuff †particularly on the off chance that you don’t communicate in the language. However everywhere throughout the world, a huge number of understudies move to various nations for their instruction, and don’t think back! So what is it about moving to another nation to consider that is so attractiveWell Studying or living abroad is an encounter of a lifetime. You study yourself and the world than you ever have previously, and conceivably ever will again. We will compose a custom exposition test on 7 THINGS YOU ONLY LEARN FROM MOVING TO THE UK TO STUDY or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now So in the event that you’re hurling up whether to concentrate abroad, we take a gander at the 7 exercises that you will gain from moving to the UK to consider. Correspondence In all honesty, it is flawlessly conceivable to impart without a communicating in the regular language. Truth be told, you can warm up to individuals regardless of whether you just express a couple of expressions of their language or the other way around. Connect and show individuals you intend to impart. Putting forth the attempt to impart unquestionably shows you a lot about how connections and fellowships work and how correspondence is something beyond the words we state. Certainty In the event that you’re a normally modest individual you’ll before long find that you are not as timid as you originally suspected. Indeed, in the correct conditions, you can converse with anybody. From sheer need you will be compelled to work in a new situation. There can be a ton of sense of self boosting minutes as you explore the new and diverse effectively, and that loans new certainty to us all. Independence Before you move to another country, you likely have a broad system of loved ones to get you out. Such a system is fabulous and will consistently be there for you, regardless of whether it’s just by means of telephone and email. In any case, living in an outside nation implies you’ll likely discover that you can depend on yourself to get past extreme occasions. You will before long find that you can do it all alone. Liberality On the off chance that you have settled on the choice to move to another country, you presumably have some level of receptiveness. Nonetheless, as far as encounters as basic as food, you will no uncertainty figure out how to be considerably increasingly liberal and less judgemental about new things and the new individuals you meet. Regard AND UNDERSTAND OTHER CULTURES Each nation is unique. There is no preferred understanding over living abroad to open your brain to different societies and conventions. It’s regularly amazing, expressly improving, and constantly a day by day life exercise. YOU CAN DO IT! The main thing you will gain from living in a remote nation is that on the off chance that you set your attention to it, you can do anything! Before you move to another country, such a large number of things sound so troublesome †getting the correct visa, learning another dialect, fitting in to an alternate culture †yet once you’re there, nothing is as hard as it sounds. Also, this will in general overflow into all aspects of your life. Request HELP There’s no disgrace in perceiving that moving to another nation is troublesome, particularly to consider †figuring out how to compose scholastically in an entire distinctive language is absolutely a test. Be that as it may, Universities and instructors get this and will give direction to help update you with what is required to come out of Uni with a unimaginable educational encounter, and grade! On the off chance that you do feellike you need some help with you examines, at that point address us at our site and we will give you how we can assist you with passing your course effortlessly! Instructions to refer to 7 THINGS YOU ONLY LEARN FROM MOVING TO THE UK TO STUDY, Essay models

Monday, June 8, 2020

Built Enivornments and Obesity in Poor Neighborhoods - Free Essay Example

America is one of the â€Å"wealthiest countries in the world and accordingly has high obesity rates† (Levin 2667). One-third of the American population is affected by obesity (Levine 2667; Gray et al. 2; Xu and Wang 19). In addition, obesity rates are higher among the residents from low-income communities (Lovasi et al 7; Perdue 821). Obesity prevalence rates in the U.S. vary a great deal across states, which range from â€Å"21.3% in Colorado to 35.1% in Mississippi and West Virginia in 2013† (Xu and Wang 19). Obesity is â€Å"a major risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, depression, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and some cancers† (Xu and Wang 19). Moreover, Rahman et al. note, â€Å"Obesity is predicted to shorten life expectancy of the average American 2 to 5 years† (50). Take the case of Mississippi, which is one of the poorest and most obese states in America. Accordingly, NPR reports that with obesity rate of 42%, the average life expectancy for men in Holmes County, Mississippi is 65 years (Tackling Obesity Amid Poverty In A Mississippi County 00:00:01- 00:00:21). Thus, obesity is a precursor of different chronic illnesses that leads to decreased human life expec tancy. The increasing number of obese people in poor neighborhoods is linked to the unfavorable conditions of built environment, which is understood as â€Å"human-made resources and infrastructure designed to support human activity, such as buildings, roads, parks, restaurants, grocery stores and another amenities as compared with natural environment† (Xu and Wang 19). Hence, built environments have significant effects on resident’s health based on the available resources in their surroundings. In similar fashion, Rahman et al. reveal, â€Å"Lower-socioeconomic status neighborhoods are at higher risk [of becoming obese], as these communities often have limited access to recreational facilities and food stores with healthful, affordable options† (51). Built environments encourage ‘obesogenic’ or obesity-generating behaviors among residents in poor neighborhoods; therefore, the government could help alleviate the problems of increasing number of obes e people in poor neighborhoods. Food Deserts and Obesity Bader et al. remark, â€Å"Food deserts, or neighborhood environment with limited access to healthy and affordable food, are believed to contribute to poor diets and to elevated prevalence of obesity . . .† (411). Thus, food desert conditions that limit access to healthy and affordable food and give options of cheap yet unhealthy food contribute to growing obesity rates in poor neighborhoods. According to Sallis and Glanz, â€Å"fast-food restaurants in particular have identified as a potential contributor to a higher prevalence of obesity† (135). In addition, Rahman et al. emphasize, â€Å"A high density of fast-food restaurants, convenience stores, and bars, along with concentrated media marketing, all promote unhealthful food choices and hinder good nutrition† (51). Similarly, Xu and Wang add, â€Å"An individual with a high level of consumption of fast foods and sugar-sweetened beverages . . . has a high risk of obesity† (19). Thus, the congestion of f ast food restaurants in poor neighborhoods encourage the residents to purchase and consume fast foods which are known to be ‘more’ affordable yet have low or no nutritional value. Even more, Lovasi et al. reveal, â€Å"Poor neighborhoods had less access to supermarkets but more access to small grocery and convenience stores. Compared with supermarkets, small grocery stores and convenience stores may have produce that is poorer in quality and more expensive† (9). In the same way, Perdue argues, â€Å"In the United States, small grocery stores and convenience stores tend not to stock much selection of healthier foods† (823). Likewise, Bader et al. add, â€Å"Access to convenience stores†¦ is associated with a poorer diet and poorer weight status† (411). Furthermore, Sallis and Glanz argue, â€Å"Low-income and racial or ethnic minority communities usually have less access to supermarkets and a greater concentration of fast-food restaurants, and the quality of goods offered tends to be worse in these neighborhoods† (139). Consequently, the presence of fast-food restaurants and convenience stores in poor neighborhoods constrain the residents’ ability to access healthy food. Aside from less access to affordable healthy food, Debbie Elliot of NPR News, reports, â€Å"Its still cheaper to pick up a can of processed corn than to buy four ears of fresh picked† (Tackling Obesity Amid Poverty In A Mississippi County 00:05:15- 00:05:21). In the same way, there are several pantries that seek to support the low-income residents in filling in the gap of food access among poor residents. For example, in New Brunswick, Five Loaves of Pantry serves clients with food options ranging from frozen meat, processed meat, ready-to-eat food, canned goods, chips to some crops and produce like potatoes and bananas. Although the pantry provides food for free, the nutritional value is not guaranteed. In other words, not only the presence of more fast food restaurants and local grocery stores and convenience stores restrict residents from poor neighborhoods to access healthy food, but also the limited income of the residents and the variety of unhealthy food that is freely provided by community pantries. Physical Inactivity and Obesity Aside from inaccessibility of healthy food, another factor that contributes to the growing number of obese people in poor neighborhoods is physical inability. Xu and Wang define physical inability as â€Å"no leisure-time physical activity or exercise† (20). There are two major causes of physical inability among people in poor communities. First, there is less access to recreational infrastructures and exercise facilities that hinders physical activities among residents. â€Å"In one study of rural residents, the perception of a lack of place to be physically active was associated with being obese and inactive, and this association was stronger among lower-income participants† (Lovasi et al. 9). Accordingly, Lovasi et al. points out that lacking access to physical activity outside the home such as neighborhood streets, walking or biking trails, parks, or exercise facilities such as gymnasiums or pools, may discourage physical activity and promote obesity (9). Furthermor e, as the most common physical activity in the United States, walking frequently occurs along neighborhood streets, making streets and sidewalks as important venues for physical activity (Lovasi et al. 9). However, Rahman et al. observe, â€Å"Communities that have low-density development patterns, poor street connectivity, and a lack of destinations within safe walking distance adversely impact health behaviors, which in turn contributes to obesity and other chronic illnesses† (52). Not only the less access to recreational and exercise facilities, but also crime and safety-related perceptions discourage physical activities among residents. In Perdue’s view, â€Å"crime and perceptions of crimes are affected by features such as abandoned buildings, vacant lots and poor lighting, and may be significant deterrents to outdoor activity such as walking or using parks or playground† (824). Thus, the presence of these vacant lots and buildings as well as poor street lighting discourage residents to engage in physical activity such as walking or playing in the parks. Moreover, Bader et al. conclude, â€Å"There is a some evidence that fear of crime and other safety-related concerns discourage people from neighborhood walking or other forms of outdoor physical activity† (411). For example, Lovasi et al. specify, â€Å"Perceived safety from crime has been associated with physical activity for African-American women in Chicago, Illinois† (16). T herefore, in Chicago, Illinois, which also has a high rate of obesity, African-American women consider the lack ofcrime safety as a cause of not walking or doing exercise out-of-door. Similarly, Xu and Wang add, â€Å"More anxiety about neighborhood safety may deter physical activity and help explain a higher obesity rate in inner city areas† (20). Thus, the anxiety caused by the perception of crime prevents the residents to engage in physical activity. As a result of physical inactivity, the residents become obese or more obese. Thus, crime and even the fear that crime can happen discourage residents in poor neighborhoods to go out of their house to engage in outdoor physical activity and exercises. Current Solution Currently, there are government efforts to help alleviate the health problems such as obesity in poor neighborhoods. Undoubtedly, Sallis and Glanz mention that â€Å"policies are the primary mechanism for making environmental changes and include formal and informal rules, laws, and regulations. Both government and industry policies control food environments. Policies pertaining to parks and recreation, education, transportation, and planning departments in governments at multiple levels have direct responsibility for physical activity environments† (125). Therefore, government intervention includes policies, rules and regulations that seek to address the problem in healthy food access and â€Å"in order for people to be more active and have healthier diets, they need access to safe places for recreation, neighborhoods that are walkable, and local markets that offer healthful, affordable food† (Rahman et al. 55). Thus, the government make policies to control food environ ment and increase the access to safe places that are conducive to physical activity among residents in poor neighborhoods. For example, in California, in order to give low-income residents access to healthy foods, the Food Policy Task Force endorsed the creation of a regional food system (Rahman et al. 52). Similarly, restaurants in New York and Seattle provide calorie, fat and other nutritional information on menus (Sallis and Glanz 137). Lastly, despite being not so popular in the poor neighborhoods, there are efforts to conduct community-based education for preventive measures to promote health and wellness (Rahman et al. 50). Despite these policy interventions, Lovasi et al. stress that strategies for behavior change should be considered in line with modifying the built environment and implementing policy interventions (16). Therefore, there are several efforts to modify the built environment in poor neighborhoods in order to promote physical activity and reduce the residentsâ €™ access to unhealthy food. In conclusion, obesity is one of the problems that is prevalent in poor neighborhoods. The number of obese people in poor neighborhoods is growing. Evidently, two major reasons contribute to this problem—lack of opportunities to access healthy and affordable food and the presence of barriers to physical activity. The prevalence of small grocery stores, convenience stores and fast food restaurants encourage low-income people to purchase and eat unhealthy food with high calories and fat. Consequently, unhealthy food consumption leads to excess weight. The low physical activity of residents in poor neighborhood is due to the lack of access to safe recreational facilities. Additionally, because of the high crime rates, people are discouraged to go out of their houses in fear of being exposed and victimized by crime-related activities. As a result, this physical inactivity leads to gaining more weight. Although there are government efforts and policies to modify the built environme nt, it is argued that these changes should be considered in the context of strategies of changing behavior. There is a need to make aggressive efforts to slow down this health epidemic that affects the poor neighborhoods. Therefore, strategies such as preventive programs that promote health and wellness should be encouraged in the poor neighborhoods, as the existing policies to change the built environment are being implemented.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Romanticism And Realism - 727 Words

For my paper, I will be discussing the transition from Romanticism to Realism in literature in the 1800’s. Both styles of literature we’re revolutionary in their time and are still two of the most popular styles of writing today. While Romanticism seems to focus on metaphors and emotions Realism mostly focuses on the character and the aspects of everyday life. Although these two styles are very different it is easy to see how Romanticism lead to the Realism style of writing. Usually in Romanticism the characters tend to be un realistic while in Realism the characters are just regular people. The same theory can be applied to the plot of these styles of writing. In Romanticism, the plot is usually unexpected and adventurous and in Realism†¦show more content†¦Hedda had wealth and a lover, something most people look for in life. Although Hedda was married she was forced to marry under her wealth class. During this time women were given very few rights this gave h er almost no opportunity to leave here situation. This lead to her living an empty and selfish life style. Materialism seems to be a huge theme in realism and this play is a great example of that. Another prime example of Realism is Tolstoy’s â€Å"The Death of Ivan Ilyich.† This play focuses on the sad life of Ivan. Tolstoy does a great job making the reader pity Ivan in every aspect of his life. Ivan is not only physically sick but he is mentally sick. Like many characters in the Realism period he was very materialistic, lonely, and had no God in his life. Ivan also spent a lot of time and money trying to live a lifestyle he couldn’t afford. Ivan and Hedda are to great examples of characters in Realistic literature. The both seems to be ordinary people with extremely complex lives and no shortage of problems. These characters and plots are very different from the charcters and plots of a Romantic author. Romantic authors tended to have larger than life characters with heroic qualities. Frederick Douglass seemed to be a very brave individual who wanted to make the best of his situation and did exactly that. Not only did Ivan and Hedda not try to make the best of their situations, they made their situations much worse. They spent most of theirShow MoreRelatedRomanticism vs Realism2268 Words   |  10 PagesCast of Madame Bovary: A Study of Realism and Romanticism Through the Characters of the Novel Gustave Flaubert is considered one of the most influential novelists of the Realist period. His most famous work, Madame Bovary, earned both heavy criticism and fame for its controversial style and mockery of Romanticism. The novel itself even went to trial, being banned for a while due to immorality (Various, 1). Many elements commonly found in Romantic novels were criticized and, to an extent, parodiedRead MoreRealism : Romanticism And Modernism974 Words   |  4 PagesWithin the time period studied this semester, it seems that different art movements arose in reaction to the movement of the time. Romanticism arose in response to Neo-Classicalism. Realism reacted against excessive idealization and de-emphasis of the â€Å"real† by the Romantics. Two groups arose in reaction to Realism: the Impressionists, who further developed the idea of â€Å"conveying the real,† and the Symbolists, who harkened back to Romanticism’s focus on emotions and subjectivity. Addit ionally, theRead MoreRomanticism vs. Realism Essay848 Words   |  4 PagesThe main ideas of the period of Romanticism were largely based on self expression, free will and the ability to act on that will, spontaneity, individualism and the prospect to shape your own life. 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This essay is designed to help you become a great literary interpreter. Getting the motivation is three fourths of the battle to getting into the heads of the artists. To begin, an outline of some of the literary movements has been provided. The enlightenmentRead MoreHow Is Realism A Reaction Against Romanticism?2190 Words   |  9 Pagescompletely prepared, was a Master of his neighborhood specialists organization, and worked freely, yet by and by artworks thought to be delivered by students or workshops will be incorporated in the extent of the term How is Realism a reaction against Romanticism? Realism has been predominant in expressions of the human experience at numerous periods, and is in substantial section a matter of method and preparing, and the evasion of stylization. Realist gems may accentuate the revolting or shamefulRead More The Awakening: Romanticism, Realism, and Local Color Essay1135 Words   |  5 PagesThe Awakening: nbsp;Romanticism, Realism, and Local Colornbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Imagine being far out into the middle of the ocean and at that moment, having to make a choice between judgment and individuality, death and life? In 1899, Kate Chopin composed a captivating novel titled The Awakening. Throughout Chopins day, the work was regarded as nonsense and a waste of time on her part. Critics found the main characters rebellion to be foolish and unlawful. At that age, it was believedRead MoreEssay on Romanticism, Realism and Local Color in The Awakening1018 Words   |  5 PagesRomanticism, Realism and Local Color in The Awakening nbsp; Kate Chopin is an author who was born in 1851 and died in 1904.nbsp; Her father died when she was young, and her husband died when she was thirty-one leaving her with six children.nbsp; Due to this, she had little male influence throughout her life.nbsp; This may possibly be why she had so little inhibition when writing her novels.nbsp; She seemed to concentrate on the oppression of women and presented socially unacceptable ideasRead MoreRealism And Romanticism In The Boarded Window By Ambrose Bierce1184 Words   |  5 Pagesreligion. Conversely, the Realism movement abandons all ideas of the Romantics and focuses more attention on ordinary people and situations. After considering both the â€Å"slice of life† focus of the Realism movement and the focus on imagination and nature of the Romanticism movement, â€Å"The Boarded Window† by Ambrose Bierce is a work of the Realism movement due to the focus on real life people and situations and the struggles of everyday li fe. The rational thinkers of the Realism movement disregarded

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Blood Transfusions Are Becoming More And More Common

Aubri Jimenez Mrs. Galaviz English 12 5 March 2015 Blood Transfusions Lifesaving blood transfusions are becoming more and more common. Aaron Dunnagan is a perfect example of how they are lifesaving. Two years ago when he was thirty-four years old, Aaron experienced symptoms of one of the most rare blood disorders called Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP). TTP is when you have blood clots that form in your blood vessels therefore causing a lack of oxygen to your organs (Dunnagan). What is frightening about TTP is that you are not born with the disorder; people just somehow develop it. In Aaron’s case he had three embolisms (blood clots) that made it so he had a shortage of oxygen in his brain, making it hard for him to function (Dunnagan). His body had become autoimmune; this means his body was producing antibodies that were mistakenly attacking his body’s healthy blood cells (Dunnagan). The antibodies were causing a block in the activity of the ADAMTS13 enzyme which would be preventing unnecessary blood clots (Du nnagan). As a result of the lack of enzymes, less platelet were present in his plasma. This caused Aaron to need plasma exchange provided by an Apheresis machine, which supplies protein into the blood. In the total time of six months, Aaron had fifty-four transfusions done on him. For those six months, he needed eight pints of plasma every day, which is equivalent to eight people donating their blood (Dunnagan). Transfusing blood is a complicated and aShow MoreRelatedThe Risks Of Having Surgery1645 Words   |  7 PagesAspiration, or breathing food or fluid into the lungs, can be a problem, during surgery† (Whitlock, 2014). This is a possible situation that may occur before having the surgery, and some patients might even experience an increased heart rate or elevated blood pressure during the process, which is very risky for their cardiovascular system. 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In Cases Of Juvenile Arrest, Rehabilitation, Not Punishment Should Be Essay Example For Students

In Cases Of Juvenile Arrest, Rehabilitation, Not Punishment Should Be Essay streesedRefinance now homeowner even if you have bad credit. 185 locIncases of Juvenile arrest, rehabilitation, not punishment should be streesedWhy would our government try to hurt kids?Well, kids are being hurt right now. You see, in America punishment, ratherthan rehabilitation is being emphasized for juveniles who commit crimes. This way of thinking must stop with the addition of rehabilitation andprevention programs for juvenile offenders. States vary in their legal definition ofa juvenile. In Illinois, for example, a juvenile is defined as any personbelow the age of 17. Using each states legal definition, the FBI reportedthat 62% of juveniles arrested in 1992 were referred to juvenile courts,5% to a criminal or adult court, 2% to a welfare agency, and 1% to anotherpolice agency. The kids sent to adult prisons were eight times as likelyto commit suicide. It has also been evident that those kids incarceratedwith adults are also more likely to become repeat offenders. We will write a custom essay on In Cases Of Juvenile Arrest, Rehabilitation, Not Punishment Should Be specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Legislation pending in congress now isdebating several issues. Among them are weather to have children as youngas 13 be prosecuted and sentenced as adults for certain crimes, give prosecutorsthe discretion to transfer a juvenile to an adult court in certain crimes,and allow juveniles to have incidental contact and in some cases be housedwith adults. I take an opposing point of view with thatof congress. If a 13 year old is imprisoned, how can he become a functionalmember of society upon his release? How will he create a positive lifestylefor himself? The real question is: How can he turn in any direction otherthan that of crime? He simple will not be able to. If a child is sent toa prison to stay in a cell for hours at a time, the only life he will knowis the life he came from, not the life that could be his. Also, a prosecutorshouldnt have the privilege to decide what court a kid is placed in. Aprosecutor has a built in bias; the decision should be left to a judgewho would look in the best interest of the convicted person. The statisticsprove that housing children with adults can only have a disastrous outcomefor the juvenile. The goal of juvenile detention should beto rehabilitate and develop the individual. Appropriate educational skillsneed to be taught. Children need to be put in touch with their feelingthrough counseling. Juvenile offenders need to be exposed to role modelsfrom within their community and without. A sense of hope should be instilledso that the young offender is not resigned to the fate of a second classcitizen.More important than efforts to rehabilitatethe offender would be programs to prevent the juvenile from committingcrimes to begin with. Keyshawn Johnson, a wide receiver for the NFLs NewYork Jets, recently said People hate to say it, but what you are aroundis what youre going to be. At 13 years old and youre around crime, youregoing to be a criminal. For this reason, prevention efforts must involvethe entire community, including schools, faith-based organizations, business,law enforcement and most importantly, the parents. If parents are unableto properly educate their kids, then programs need to be developed to trainthe parents. Boys and girls clubs basketball leagues, The Jessie WhiteTumblers, adult mentoring, and student exchanges are all positive preventionprograms that need to be continued and further promoted. It is imperative that our federal governmentset a tone and send the message that juveniles who come in contact withthe law are entitled to protections not available to adults. Rehabilitation,not long term imprisonment, should be the goal, and prevention now is preferableto punishment later. 2.3 million juveniles were arrested in 1992. It isin the best interest of America to see that these 2.3 million do not becomeadult offenders.